Purna Yoga
Teacher Training
The College of Purna Yoga offers the most holistic and detailed yoga teacher training course available. Created by world-renowned yoga masters Aadil Palkhivala and Savitri, the college teaches how to live and teach yoga and meditation from the heart. Our highly knowledgeable and passionate teachers go through rigorous recertification every year to ensure the training is up to its most recent standard.
The Purna Yoga College is a school, which embodies an authentic Yoga Style rooted in a deep Indian lineage, with the mission to bring awareness and understanding of what yoga truly means to modern society. We strive to honour and respect the rich heritage of yoga while offering transformative teachings that can be applied in our everyday lives.
Next 200-hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training starts 12. September 2025

Do you want to become a yoga teacher? Or would you like to deepen your personal practice and learn more about yourself?
This training does not require you to become a teacher. You can study just for the joy of it.
Not sure how to choose? Check out the blog post or watch the video.
PURNA YOGA awakens the joy of living from the HEART
As you learn the foundational curriculum, you will also explore
The anatomy and
physiology of
asana and pranayama
How to see and
understand bodies and
give hands-on adjustments
How to deal with student’s
injuries and health
The benefits and
contraindications of asana
and the use of props
The energetics of
centring your mind
and awakening your intuition
Delivery, presentation and
class control, especially in
teaching beginners
How nutrition and a yogic
lifestyle affects your students,
your teaching and life
How to apply timeless yogic philosophy to your classes
and your daily life
This is for you if you want to
Understand yoga and its philosophy on a deeper level and apply it to your every day life
Strengthen your personal asana and meditation practice to feel happier and healthier
Be inspired to live and teach yoga from the heart and share it with others to inspire their life
Our Graduates Say
Graduation 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I be ready for the training? Applicants must have an established asana practice (at least one year of 2-3 classes a week in alignment-based yoga—any yoga system that emphasises the alignment of the body in asana) prior to beginning the program. The strength of this foundation will support the entirety of the Teacher Training program.
After I graduate, where will I be able to teach? Upon completion, you will be able to apply to teach alignment-based yoga at a variety of venues, such as studios, gyms, adult education centers, fitness centres, and schools. While there are no legal requirements for teaching yoga, many studios require a 200-hour certificate. The 200-hour level of training will equip you to teach basic classes; your teaching repertoire will grow as you increase your level of training.
What if I miss a class? To receive your Course Completion Certificate youmust complete 100% o f the classes and requirements. In addition, you must attend the first 5 modules of the course. However, we understand that you may not be able to foresee every conflict, so we have devised the following procedures if you must miss a class. If you miss more than 30 minutes of a module (4 hour course), either by arriving late or leaving early, you will not receive credit for that module, and the entire module will have to be made-up. Any missed modules may be made up in the following ways: • If you miss 1-3 modules (up to 12 hours) you may still complete the program by making up missed classes by taking private lessons with a teacher training instructor. One module (4 hours) = 1,5 hours of private instruction, at a cost of 115€ per 1,5 hour session. Private lesson make-ups must be completed within 30 days of the completion of your course. • If you miss more than 3 modules, you may continue in the course, but you will not be eligible for a Course Completion Certificate. If you wish to receive a Course Completion Certificate, you will have to retake the course.
How many people will be in class? We require a minimum of 6 students and accept a maximum of 14 students. You will have one teacher and one assistant.
How much should I expect to pay for books and materials? Your books should cost around 200 €.
What certificate will I receive? With your successful completion of the program requirements (course hours and homework) you will earn the 200-Hour Course Completion Certificate from the Purna Yoga College. Which enables you to teach in yoga studios around the world.
Where will the course be conducted? The venue for this training is Helsinki’s home of Purna Yoga, Purna Yoga Helsinki, Fredrikinkatu 67 E 42, 00100 Helsinki
Who will be my instructor? The 200-hour course will be taught by Nicola Moberg. The teachers of the 200-hour Level are Certified Purna Yoga Instructors with thousands hours of training, practice, and apprenticing. They have been hand-selected by Purna Yoga founders Aadil Palkhivala and Savitri, and have studied under them personally for many years to achievethe level of being a College of Purna Yoga faculty member. The members of the college faculty have made very deep commitments to their own practice of Purna Yoga as well as to serving others and carrying on the Purna Yoga lineage by training teachers.
Will I have homework? Yes, you will have two short books to read and anatomy worksheets to complete. Expect about 20 hours of homework during the 200-hour course.
I am coming from out-of-town. Where can I stay? We will provide you with a list of local recommended accommodations. Just get in touch via email.
True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.
Aadil Palkhivala Co-Founder of Purna Yoga

Dates & Times
12 – 14 September
4 – 5 October
25 – 26 October
15 – 16 November
6 – 7 December
10 – 11 January
31 Jan – 1 February
14 - 15 February
7 - 8 March
28 - 29 March
11 - 12 April
First Weekend
Friday 14- 18
Saturday 8:30- 18
Sunday 8:30- 18
All other weekends
Saturday 8:30- 18
Sunday 8:30- 18